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The Biggest Beltway ‘Hot Potato’: DC Pension Geeks Podcast

Practice Management

“What we’re finding on the behavioral side is that the way we talk about this impacts people’s decisions,” Jason Fichtner said. “Age 62 is called the early eligibility age.

A lot of the public does not understand that it’s actually the lowest monthly benefit amount. They hear the word early and think it’s a blue plate special. Who wants to be late to get their benefits?”

It’s hardly news about Washington’s political polarization, and many Americans at least say they want more bipartisanship in government. Who better to speak on retirement topics than Fichtner, Vice President and Chief Economist with the Bipartisan Policy Center?
Jason J. Fichtner, Ph.D., is vice president and chief economist at the Bipartisan Policy Center. His research focuses on Social Security, federal tax policy, federal budget policy, retirement security, and policy proposals to increase saving and investment.

He joins American Retirement Association CEO Brian Graff for a comprehensive discussion about 401(k)s, tax policy, Social Security benefits and confusion over the appropriate claiming age.

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